One of our favorite varieties, the Boskoop apple was discovered in the 1850's in The Netherlands. We handpicked the apples in this blend over the course of a couple days under smoke ravaged skies. However you will not taste any smoke taint in this beverage. Apples have thick skins compared to grapes thus making them more resistant to wildfire plumes. This apple trio is Cool, Calm and Collected! And if you've ever listened to Sly & The Family Stone, watched the movie Stripes or played the video game NBA Jam you'll appreciate this cider that much more.
80% Belle de Boskoop apples from non-certified biodynamically grown Windrose Farm in Creston, CA (Barbara and Bill Spencer's last harvest)
10% Ashmead's Kernel apples from Windrose Farm
10% Mutsu apples from Windrose Farm
Maceration: 7 days
Fermentation: Spontaneous
Vessel: Flextank
Additives: None
Carbonation: Still
750 mL bottle / 8.5% alc. by vol.
Vintage: 2020
suggested Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1rHYLVsINX9G2HWoywOJsz?si=528c62014cca42e1